
10 Things to Consider Before Applying for Google Adsense Program

Every new blogger who starts blogging is very keen to join Google Adsense Program. Although there are many other ad network like AdSense to make money from blogging but he will prefer to join Adsense program.
There are many reasons for it. For example, Adsense is very trusted and most popular program on the Internet. Secondly, it is easier to make money with it compared to other ad network or affiliate marketing.
However, for past few years Google has made it very tough to get an approval for an Adsense account. Nowbloggers from India do not get approval so easily.
appy for AdSense
They cannot have a blog or website with one or two pages and expect Google to approve it for Adsense account.
Hence, if you are a blogger and want to get approved by Google then you have to look at least 10 following things in your blog.
If you’re sure of these 10 things, only then you should go ahead with Adsense program.
They are

1. Content, Content and Content

The first thing that you should have is great content. If you cannot create great content then at least it must be good enough to read.
If you think that putting up a blog or website with 2 to 3 pages of copied or rewritten content can get you an approval then you’re totally wrong.
Because you won’t!
Content must be original and not plagiarize from here and there because Google is very strict about copied content.
Therefore before you apply for Adsense accounts consider that your blog’s content is original and good to read.

2. Your Website Domain

Now the next thing is the domain of your website. Google is very strict for blogger coming especially from countries like India and China.
According to Google’s policy your domain should be at least 6 months old. However, if you are a blogger from USA or UK then you could get an approval in few weeks.
But for India this is not the case because bloggers here are not professional and just want to fool Google.
Moreover, your domain must be of top level like .com, .in, .co, .edu, me etc. It should not be a sub domain.

3. Design of Your Blog or Website

Design of your blog should be simple and free from any plug-ins or software that is integrated to get extra clicks.
If Google finds that design of your blog is not according to their terms and conditions then they might turn down your request for Adsense approval.
Choose templates and layout of your blog which is very professional and free from any malware.
After content of your blog Google looks for its design.
Hence, before you apply for an Adsense account see to it that design of your blog is perfect.

4. Third Party Ad Networks

You should be very careful about integrating third party ads into your blog. Although Google allows having ads from other networks but Google is very touchy about this issue.
If you have other ad networks running on same blog then you must be careful and concur with Google’s policy.
If you are found to be violating Google’s policy on showing third party ads then Google might not approve your request.
Therefore, it is better to go only for Adsense program first then you can choose other network’s ads.

5. Terms and Conditions of Google

Although, every single point is covered in this article regarding Google’s terms and conditions for Adsense account but it is wise to read all its policy.
You should read every point before you apply for Adsense account. There are many small things that you need to know.
Therefore, before applying read terms and conditions of Google because it is not that difficult.

6. Intentional or Unintentional Clicking Ads

As you all know in Adsense program you get paid when someone clicks on your ads. More clicks mean more money you make.
It is because of this system many bloggers try to get clicks which are generated by them or with the help of their friends. This is totally illegal and the moment Google comes to know they are going to terminate your account.
Hence, don’t get enticed by clicking ads intentionally or unintentionally because Google will terminate your account.
Therefore, if you want a long term continuation of your account don’t indulge in such practices.

7. Ads Placement

You’ve to be careful about placing your ads. Initially, you get partial approval as Google monitors your blog. It is only after few days you get complete approval.
Therefore you should place only 3 ads on one page. Your ads must look normal as it does not try out to pop-out and irritate the readers.
Place your ads naturally and focus more on creating good content.

8. Privacy Policy, About Me & Contact Us Page

Do not overlook the importance of about me and contact us page in addition to your blog’s privacy policy.
Create a full blown about me and contact us page. Describe fully about the privacy policy of your blog also.
Before you apply for an Adsense account approval your blog must met these conditions.
So to get a quick approval include privacy statement, about me and contact us page.

9. Practicing Unscrupulous Methods to Get Clicks

I need to repeat this point again and again. Do not indulge in any malpractice to get clicks which are illegal in the eyes of Google.
If you want an approval then you need to play by the rules of Google.
It is quite normal that bloggers instead of focusing on creating good content they indulge in such malpractices.
Hence, does not applying if you’re not ready to play by the rules set by Google.

10. Only One Pay Check for a House Address

This trivial but an important thing that only allows check in the name of only one person for a house address.
It means two Google checks cannot come to one house address. To make it simpler only one person from your home can apply for Adsense program.
Two accounts with same address are not allowed by Google.
Thus, these were 10 things that you have to keep in mind before you think of applying for an Adsense account.
You should meet all these requirements only then send a request to Google.